Hello all! I’m wondering if there is a way to pass...
# general
Hello all! I’m wondering if there is a way to pass holiday information to statsforecast in a similar way that one can pass holiday info to fbprophet.
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Hi @Matthew Baron! You are officially our second member in the community. Welcome!
Thanks for the welcome
We are curious: What are you working on? We are happy to work on the holidays feature. Could you open an issue on GitHub so other people can see it?
I’m working on adapting a wrapper around prophet that we have to be a wrapper around statsforecast, we rely on passing a holiday calendar to prophet, so I wanted to give statsforecast a fighting chance with that additional information
Nice! Sure, we can work on that.
Is it possible for you to share the use case?
I actually can’t open a github issue, as I can’t contribute to repositories outside of my enterprise
The use case is bottom line sales prediction
Ok! Don’t worry about that. We can open it for you.
🙌 1
Great use case!