Looking at adding the HINT architecture tomorrow, ...
# neural-forecast
Looking at adding the HINT architecture tomorrow, will circle back with metrics when available. Any thoughts on a reasonable hparam search space? Didn’t see anything added to the auto module
Hey @Chris Gervais, These are documentation along with the scripts we run on our submission to Neurips: • https://github.com/dluuo/HINT/blob/main/nbs/run_autohint.ipynbhttps://nixtla.github.io/neuralforecast/models.hint.htmlhttps://nixtla.github.io/neuralforecast/models.html#autohint Let us know if you have questions with your execution.
Awesome thanks!
@Kin Gtz. Olivares if you have something similar for StemGNN that would be helpful as well :) so many new architectures to try out!!