Has anyone tried AutoCES with exogenous features? ...
# general
Has anyone tried AutoCES with exogenous features? The model accepts exogenous features but it makes no difference in the prediction. The predictions are exactly the same with or without them. I tried with holidays as exogenous feature. I did the same with AutoARIMA too and it made a difference in the output but it seems with AutoCES the model is not really using the exogenous feature.
I was having the same doubts with NBEATSx, but I solved it with a simple experiment. I literally gave a slightly modified version of the prediction (yhat) as exogenous feature, and the model was able to capture it. So maybe try that just to check that it can do that.
Like you purposefully introduced data leakage to see if the model can use it to improve? I'll give it a try.
Precisely! My logic was - If exogenous variables are truly informative for the model, then it should be able to capture the leak and reproduce the results.
So I did just that, and after some tuning (namely, improving the size of the NN) it worked wonders