Hello there, Has anyone know that how can i tune h...
# general
Hello there, Has anyone know that how can i tune hyperparameters using models in statforecast ? For example, i use these models in default parameters when i predict my test data. Is there any way for the tuning these model parameters automatically like giving a range ?
hey @Mehmet Can Yıldırım! The
models perform automatic hyperparameter optimization. Currently, we don’t have a general and standard way to define the hyperparameter space. Could you help us open an issue on github so we can work on that feature? Thank you! Here’s the link: https://github.com/Nixtla/statsforecast/issues/new?assignees=&labels=enhancement%2[…]&title=%5B%3CLibrary+component%3A+Models%7CCore%7Cetc...%3E%5D+