I don’t understand why my chart Y-axis is like tha...
# neural-forecast
I don’t understand why my chart Y-axis is like that, any hints?
🙌 1
Hey @Patrick , It seems that your signal is really stable. Have you tried using StatsForecast baseline models? https://nixtla.github.io/statsforecast/src/core/models.html#baseline-models
no, I am using the anomaly detection model
another one
You can use baselines for anomaly detection too.
ok, I am following the example basically.
I see that I need to change my whole approach again as it expects a numpydarray
Can you anyway answer the inital question? It’s not on me or whats the error there?
do i need more data?
more data leads to that
https://nixtla.github.io/statsforecast/src/core/models.html#mstl You might be able to try a simpler model for the trend instead of the underlying AutoETS, from your plots it is not very clear if you have seasonalities. I recommend you to start with a simpler model than MSTL.
ok anyway, why is the Y axis not correct? Can you spot any error?
Well the season_length is definitly not correct in my code. but this docu tbh is also not easy to read through woow
Trying to go thorugh it and it is pretty hard to get started here
🫠 2
We appreciate the comment and we are open to contributions :3
👍 1
do you have a discord or something for a voice chat?
not sure if this is a bug too: Probably the factory isn’t working? `
Copy code
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-154-3d17808d20b9> in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 StatsForecast.forecast(h=48,df=filtered_df)

TypeError: StatsForecast.forecast() missing 1 required positional argument: 'self'
@Patrick, which time zone are you in? Happy to jump into a call and help you out.
🙏 1
Well the season_length is definitly not correct in my code. but this docu tbh is also not easy to read through woow
We are sorry you had that experience, can you help us understand the parts that were not clear so we can improve them?
Regarding you initial question: • y should be the original value coming from your data. If the Y-Axis only shows values between 3,1,2 its probably because that is the data that you have. (To be clear, y is not applying any modification to your data frame) • Could you please validate your data by doing other plots (line or distributions) or even counting unique values?
Hi @Max (Nixtla) thanks for your response. I am in GMT+1 but am flexible. Hit me up when you’re free 🙂