<!channel>: Dear community, show some love for MLF...
# mlforecast
Hi @Max (Nixtla), in your response you mention local scalers for MLForecast but I can't find this in the documentation/code. I must be missing it. Could you share where this is? Thanks.
Hi Andrew! In mlforecast you have to specifically tell the software which scaler to use. You can do so through this argument: target_transforms=[LocalStandardScaler()] See line 14 on this notebook: https://www.kaggle.com/code/fedegr/mlforecast-functime/notebook
@José Morales: maybe we should write a little guide or something.
Yeah I have a guide for target transforms almost done, will add it soon
Excellent, thanks a lot @Max (Nixtla) and @José Morales. Do you plan on implementing for exogenous features? To enable sliding/expanding window standard scaling for example.
This is already possible by doing something like here https://github.com/Nixtla/mlforecast/issues/124#issue-1683960264 But we will add a built in way to do it soon
OK nice one. Thanks again.