Hello everyone, Have a general question. Does Nixt...
# general
Hello everyone, Have a general question. Does Nixtla have any API for tbats?
Hi @Subhomoy Ghosh We started working on our own TBATS implementation, but it's not ready yet since it's a pretty complex model.
We'll let you know once it's ready!
👍 2
Thanks, appreciate it! Is the PR close? I am guessing the package tbats is not part of Nixtla right?
No, the current TBATS Python package is not from us. To the best of my knowledge, this is the package used by all other libraries (Darts, sktime, etc.). We closed a PR related to TBATS a couple of weeks ago, but that was because we did some major changes and we're currently working on our own original implementation.
Got it! Thanks so much for the update. Looking forward to it.
❤️ 1
@Mariana Menchero, just returning to our conversation on whether there is any update on TBATS!
Hi @Subhomoy Ghosh! We're still working on it, but hopefully we'll have it ready before the end of the year 😅
I'll let you know as soon as it's ready.
That is awesome!
Hi @Mariana Menchero, was wondering if TBATs is ready, would be great to take it for spin.
Hi @Valeriy! it's not ready yet, but we hope to have it asap. It has proven to be quite challenging and we want to make it as fast as possible since the current R and Python versions can take a very long time. Once it's ready, we'll let you know.
👍 1
Thanks @Mariana Menchero indeed current versions quite slow.