Hi. Thanks for `mlforecast`! When the package run...
# mlforecast
Hi. Thanks for
! When the package runs in default mode using the recursive strategy (predictions at prior horizons become the lag features for predictions at the next horizon), is it possible to see the lag features generated through this process? When i do...
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For QC purposes, I'd like to see how
there generated the lag features recursively. Is that possible? Thank you!
Hey. Is this what you're looking for? Note that the SaveFeatures callback isn't in a released version but it's very simple, you can copy it from here
🙏 1
Awesome thank you so much for the quick reply! Will give it a shot!
The callback worked! Thanks a bunch @José Morales It revealed a problem in my calls to
need to be sorted in a certain way?
When I run
on my dataset (multiple time series), the final features from the callback show that my dynamic features (
) are misaligned with the unique_id & ds pairs from the lags and static features. I think I see the same pattern in the M4 data, so I must be approaching X_df wrong? Details in thread
Here's code I used
The training data
Here are the last 6 rows of each series, which will feed into the lags and dynamic feature used at prediction
When I inspect the features using the callback, the dynamic feature from X_df (
) appears to be misaligned We are predicting the next 3 steps for each of the two series For the first row, this is clearly from
. time_id is the last time_id in training data + 1, and lag1 is the last y. But for the second row, it looks like we have the time_id from the next row of
but the lags from
Am I passing
incorrectly? Thanks in advance for any insights!
Hey. There was an issue with X_df, sorry about that. This has been fixed in 0.10.0, can you upgrade and let us know if it works as expected now?
Oh wonderful thank you for the super fast reply @José Morales! Will do that!
Everything works as expected now with 0.10.0! Thanks @José Morales!
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