I'm trying to log the metrics from AUTONHITS to ou...
# neural-forecast
I'm trying to log the metrics from AUTONHITS to our MLfLow tracking. How can I set this up?
Hey. Do you mean the results of each configuration?
Yes that's right. For each configuration, I'd like to have some kind of callback configured which could somewhow know the model id for that configuration and log the training and validation loss along with the chosen hyper-parameters
I know there is a tensor board setup but It's difficult to access from our cluster... If possible, I'd love to set it up so that it can log it in real time ( or atleast at every epoch) or something like that
Are you using ray or optuna?
I'm using ray
Are you able to install from github?
Depends on the package?
It'd just be neuralforecast
I just pushed some initial work to the callbacks branch, it'd be great if you could try it out. It adds a
argument to AutoNHITS where you can provide a list of callbacks like the one in the example here
So if you can run:
pip install git+<https://github.com/nixtla/neuralforecast.git@callbacks>
you should be able to use it
I won't be able to use it on our cluster since it automatically installs packages from our artifactory
but once this code is released, I can add the latest release version to our package artifactory and try it then
Can I see your PR?
Sure, it's this one. It needs more work because all the auto models need this argument, I only added it to nhits
Very cool. I guess LinkedIn is using it's own callback method called:
Copy code
But I could add it to the callbacks arguments
is it this one?
looks like it
I guess they tweaked it slighly since It is an internal repo but it looks the same
ok. this will be available in the next release
❤️ 1
Thank you very much @José Morales!