Hi, as a confirmation: you develop statsforecast v...
# general
Hi, as a confirmation: you develop statsforecast via jupyter notebooks that are converted to python scripts via Quarto?
Yes, we use nbdev.
oh by fastai right?
that's fascinating - so basically you can documentation inside the source code itself! can you use quarto notebooks instead of .ipynb ones?
Nbdev is incredible: https://nbdev.fast.ai/
👍 1
Look at everything that you can do: https://nbdev.fast.ai/
it does have a lot and they integrated quarto real quick - last time I checked it was not this featureful. is it easy to pick up? i'd love to start contributing to the statsforecast ecosystem, i.e. docs and tutorials.
Actually it's a lot easier than Nbdev1. We are preparing a Litle tutorial so it's easier to contribute.
🚀 1