Hello, I am trying to run the getting_started.ipyn...
# neural-forecast
Hello, I am trying to run the getting_started.ipynb file. I am getting the below error. I tried commenting seasonality param and the cell runs fine. Is this the correct way of overcoming the issue.
Hi @kushagra kumar! Yes, we deprecated the seasonality hyperparameter.
HI @Cristian (Nixtla): Is the entire getting_started.ipynb deprecated? I am getting the below error now. On the 1st of October, the below cell was running in the colab but now it is Not. Could you please point out the working starting notebooks that from which I start my journey?
Hi @kushagra kumar, yes! We are releasing a new version of NeuralForecast, with a much simpler interface, more capabilities and models! We are working on the new examples, but you can start looking to the documentation at https://nixtla.github.io/neuralforecast/examples/getting_started_with_nbeats_and_nhits.html
Thanks, @Cristian (Nixtla) for sharing the updated example for the NBEATS and NHITS. It is running smoothly on the colab. Are there any plans to add examples for the Global time series forecasting using the NBEATS, NHITS, and other deep learning models?
Yes, we will add more examples. This pipeline is already a global model, so if you add more series in the dataframe a single model will be used for all
Ohh..Ok. Since by default the Airline passenger data is univariate time series So, I asked the question regarding it. Thanks again for the help. Please keep posting all the latest updates in the group so we test them on our datasets.