Hi Nixtla team, I am planning to deep dive into li...
# general
Hi Nixtla team, I am planning to deep dive into library what top 3-5 most performant models you would recommend me to look into @Max (Nixtla) @fede @Kin Gtz. Olivares
Hi Valeriy, hope everything is good :) You mean NeuralForecast or StatsForecast or in general?
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3-5 across the whole of Nixtla maybe at least 1-2 from neural and stats each. Most performant ones in terms of Nixtla team experience.
Sure! From stats: • auto ETS • auto Arima • CES (complex exponential smoothing) neural: • NHITS • NBEATS
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Happy to help if something comes up 🙂
BTW, @Valeriy, you might also be interested in playing around with GitHub.com/nixtla/mlforecast
Your feedback would be very appreciated
Thanks, @Max (Nixtla), on it, might take some time as quite busy but will reach out. I have something in mind on how to test them all on large-scale data.
That’s amazing, we are particularly interested in scalability and efficiency, so happy to help. We have some good experiences with Ray Clusters and Databricks Clusters