Hi team, ran StatsForecast AutoArima and got an er...
# general
Hi team, ran StatsForecast AutoArima and got an error, wonder how we can see which unique id triggers the error to examine what was going? here is the error log: RemoteTraceback Traceback (most recent call last) RemoteTraceback: “”" Traceback (most recent call last): …… ValueError: order must be 3 non-negative integers, got (0, 0, 0) “”" The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
Hey @J T! Thanks for letting us know about the issue. The new version of StatsForecast includes a new parameter named
The main idea behind it is that you can pass a safe model in case that a main model fails. So, StatsForecast tries to fit the main models for each time series and if something fails, it will fit a safer model, for example
The code would be,
Copy code
StatsForecast(models=AutoARIMA(), fallback_model=Naive(), extra params)
Please let us know if that works for your use case.
@fede (nixtla) (they/them) thanks Fede… will try. now the next question is how i would know which forecast using fallback vs original?
also, if i change Naive() to ETS, it erros out: TypeError: forecast() missing 1 required positional argument: ‘self’