Greetings!, I hope everyone is doing well. I am wo...
# neural-forecast
Greetings!, I hope everyone is doing well. I am working on a regression problem and I am looking forward to use Transformers for it but before jumping into the implementation and all stuff, I am curious that did any of you use transformers for regression problem. I have around 90 features (floating points) and one target. I couldn't find any paper on transformers for regression problems so please let me know if any of you used transformers for this purpose.
TFT comes in mind if you want to do forecasting. But first try with a simple lin reg and then move on to random forest/lightgbm. Get those as baselines. Then move over to more deep learning stuff imo.
I already trained LR and tree based architectures and I am considering those as baseline models and I read TFT paper but TFT comes for time series problem where they are taking the timestamp information separately, I don't have timestamp info but I can use index as timestamp but it will not make any sense but it is worth giving it a try.
Have you tried a simple NN? Like a 2-3 layered one?
Yes, I did but MSE loss is quite high.
fine tuned it ? did you do neural architecture search ?
Yes, I fine tuned it but no luck with these approaches. I didn't do the NAS till now but will have a look for sure.
try fione tuning nr of layers and nr of neurons
Hey @Muhammad Hasnain Khan, If you have a classic regression problem, you might want to treat it as such. P(Y_i | X_i) The methods that we focus on Nixtla are forecasting methods, solving: P(Y_[t+1:t+h] | Y_[ :t ]) Key regression/forecasting differences: • forecasting aims to predict several steps ahead, making it a multivariate regression problem. • forecasting usually exploits time dependencies in the features, for example through lags (past series values). TFT, along with most Nixtla's methods are actively exploiting the time dependency structures. • regression often times does not consider if the prediction will be future, current or past. As @Andrei Tulbure, suggested you might want to try RF/LGBM and linear regression first. If your problem does not have time dependencies, forecasting methods might not be suited. If you are interested in trying TFT here is a usage example:
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