Hi. I am new to the neural-forecast package, so I ...
# neural-forecast
Hi. I am new to the neural-forecast package, so I am sorry if I missed it somewhere. Is there a way to set assumption about seasonality for the AutoNHITS? Would it be “n_harmonic” set in the config object passed?
Hi @Mads Jensen, Sends for using the library hope it gives you service. The
parameter is particular to the NBEATS model as it controls the sines/cosines space of the seasonality projections. We explain it in page 7 of the NBEATSx paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2104.05522.pdf The NHITS model specializes over frequencies based on the
You can find here an example of the NHITS' decompositon through frequencies: https://github.com/Nixtla/neuralforecast/blob/main/nbs/models.nhits.ipynb
Great thanks and for the swift reply. I will try it.