StatsForecast has an option called fallback_model ...
# general
StatsForecast has an option called fallback_model where we specify what model to use if the main one fails (e.g. SeasonalNaive). How do we know after the forecast is done where it used the main model and where it switched to the fallback model?
Hi Farzad. That functionality is not available yet, but we're working on it. In the meantime, you can generate a Naive model for all your data and then compare it with your forecast.
Oh! That's weird. Sometimes I get an error if I remove the fallback option but it works when I put the fallback in! I actually don't want it to fall back to any model. Initially I included the fallback because the example from the documentation did it. Now I include it because if I don't, then I get a weird error sometimes.
I think this error might come from AutoCES but it's interesting that when I include the fallback option, it does not error out!
Seems like it has something to do with parallel execution and the async calls? But it doesn't happen with other models and it goes away if fallback option is used!!
If fallback_model is not implemented, then this behavior must be some glitch. Somehow it cancels out the other error.
No, when I said "that functionality is not available" I meant knowing which time series were forecasted using the fallback model
Oh I misunderstood! Sorry about that.
the fallback model is implemented already and works well. In your case, there is probably one or more time series where the AutoCES can't be generated, and hence, it defaults to the seasonal naive.
👍 1
Yeah that was what I was thinking. I misunderstood your first comment. Thanks for clarifying.
No problem, I think I wasn't clear enough and I can see how you misunderstood it😅
👍 1