i noticed in <https://nixtla.github.io/neuralforec...
# neural-forecast
i noticed in https://nixtla.github.io/neuralforecast/examples/exogenous_variables.html that the
column doesn't get hot encoded when passing to
futur_exog_list = [..., 'weekday']
- was that intentional? we're trying to integrate tsfresh features but seem to be running into issues when we hot encode - still investigating but thought it might be related to exogenous scaling
Hi @Chris Gervais! Yes, this is by design. All features should be pre-processed before passing them to the models. Can you provide more details on what issues do you have with the encoded features?
You can set scaler_type to None to remove scaling, to identify if this is the issue.
sure yah, so for example we're taking a column of data representing hour of day (1-24) and converting those to dummy variables via hot encoding. but in the example re: exogenous the variable
doesn't get hot encoded before passing it to the model
In this example we didn't one hot encoded the variable, but it should work (run) in both cases
circling back on this - it wasn't the encoding, we had gaps in our y values. but that brings me to another question - is it possible to create a future df that doesn't rely on "current" y values?
example: fitting to 2022 hourly data and using it to forecast Feb 9th 2023, without having access to y values from Jan 1 - Feb 8th 2023
moving this to general chat to avoid overthreading this haha sorry