Hey I am guessing the `environment.yml` was create...
# general
Hey I am guessing the
was created using conda due to the inability to normally install prophet with pip?
Not sure what environment.yml is for but I don't use Conda and I have Prophet installed. Also, what does prophet have to do with Statsforecast or Neuralforecast?!
hi @Akmal Soliev! Yes, installing prophet from pypi usually throws errors 😞 we use conda instead
@fede (nixtla) (they/them) wouldn't creating a docker image be better?
@Akmal Soliev why should I have read that?! I don't have a PR. My suggestion is that you provide more details in your questions if you want to get help from the community. While the main developers are very nice and frequently come here and answer our questions, it's not their job to do so. The idea of having a Slack channel is to build a community and hope that users are kind enough to help each other and give back to the community. In that sense, the burden is on the person who asks a question to provide enough information for others to understand the issue. Giving details into what you are trying to do helps everyone to be in a better position to help you.
hey man, can you chill and move on? clearly the thread isn't targeting you
So you post a question to the channel (not to any specific person) and someone comes and asks you to provide more information, you ignore their question which is fine but then you proceed to specifically ping them by name and make an assumption that they should have read something that is related to your issue and when they suggest you provide more context your response is chill and move on?!! Wow! Maybe next time don't ping people by name if you don't want to engage in a civil conversation (i.e., follow your own advice and move on if you're done with what you are looking for!)
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Hi guys, we are really thankful for your contributions and comments. Both of you are valued and active members of the community. However, this thread is getting unnecessary heated. Clearly there are areas of opportunity in how we name things. It can be definitely confusing to have the same name for a dev environment that is necessary for contributing (and includes Prophet) and a regular environment that does not include prophet. I think this discussion makes this clear. We will think about how to make this clearer. We are only as strong as our community, and both of you are very active and valued. Please keep up the good work.
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